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October 2023

     So I've decided to set this post to the day it was suppose to go up. Life prevented me from getting things up on time yet again. But anyway, a new speed painting video is up on the Studio BC YouTube channel. The Resident Evil piece was completed this month as well as two new sticker designs mentioned some time ago. As far as Bestia Custos volume 2 is concerned, I'll have some time this month to finish revisions and hopefully release it before the end of the year. Volume three has been on hiatus for some time, and I'm considering seeing if I can manage posting twice a month, but we'll see. As I settle more into my new position, I will have more of an understanding of the time that can be used in the day towards projects. So, here's to finding a routine that works. Cheers!



September 2023

 Some interesting news this month, below is the completed piece of Final Fantasy 7's Tifa Lockhart done in a style reminiscent of games for the PC-98 computer. I plan on making a series of these as practice in preparation for a much larger work. 

Additionally, we will be selling some original art that is still taking up space in my studio at Nerd Swap LA's  Anime Night on October 21st at the Intracoastal Club in Houma, LA. We will have postcard prints of the Tifa Pixel Pin Up as seen above as well as the original art for the pieces below. 

Hopefully we will see some of you at the event and maybe find these pieces a good home as well. Take care!



August 2023

     So things have taken quite awhile to return to normal around here, but it seems as though life's responsibilities are starting to calm down and we can return to some normality. Unfortunately, those responsibilities have taken their toll, and there was little work done outside of my day job. Aside from still working on the Resident Evil piece that was posted last month, I found some time to develop some skill at pixel art, something I had been meaning to do for a while for several ideas. Though not complete, here is a sample of where I'm at with this pixel art of Tifa from Final Fantasy VII. September should be more productive as I have an event I may be attending in October, which means more art to sell. So here's hoping some change in coming weeks for my schedule!



July 2023

     A little late this month, but better than not at all I suppose. July had a few personal set backs considering a family member had some health related issues come up. This unfortunate event set me back a few weeks in productivity, but I was still able to get some work done. Below is a quick painting of Kate and Pumpkin from Bestia Custos. I haven't done any work for Bestia Custos outside of editing and working on completing volume two, so I thought that it would be nice to do a quick illustration. Additionally, below is a look at a larger work in development. I have been learning to speed run Resident Evil in my down time and decided to make a large movie poster style painting using reference from various versions of the game. This is the largest piece I've done in a very long time so hopefully this will push my more realistic style of work. Finally, I start a new career path in August, still in art thankfully, but it may or may not provide me with more time to produce my own work, we'll see. What matters most is that someone dear to me begins to feel better and makes a recovery. Until next month!



June 2023

 Most of this month was spent finalizing the Godzilla (Legendary) painting and video, linked below. Additionally, here are some photos of a Kamen Rider Amazon Alpha mask that will part of a larger cosplay. Finally, about half of the revisions to Bestia Custos volume 2 have been made. Some writings have also been made regarding a video based project that is in the early stages of development. More to come next month.



May 2023

 Now that my main work related responsibilities have wrapped up for the next few months, I'll have more time to produce art related pieces and work on other projects. Below is some of the work that was made over the last few weeks. The first is a painting using a new brand of drawing inks that are water soluble. The brand is called Graphix Aqua Ink if you're looking to try it out for yourself. I was listening to a lot of synth wave music lately and it put me in a cyberpunk kind of mood, that and I thought I could use some practice with city architecture, something I don't dabble in enough, but will have to for a future project soon enough.

Next up is a the main composition for the logo that will be used for the board game I have been developing, Curse of the Night. I think I'm pleased with it, but there will be more added once I have it scanned and put into the computer, such as color, cleaning the line work, etc. Overall, I think I am happy with it.

I had a friend contact me and asked if I was willing to do a portrait of his buddy's dog that had recently passed away. I have soft spot for animals and I'm all too aware of the pain that comes from losing a pet, so I was happy to help out.

Finally, here is an in progress oil painting of Legendary Godzilla, which is being done as a request for my nephew. Though not my favorite iteration of the character, this piece is giving me the opportunity to try some new things with the medium. Additionally, the process is being filmed and will be the first of the new speed painting videos that will go up on the YouTube channel next month, hope you come take a look!

That's all for now, I'll be back next month with a new video and more work, so please look forward to it!



April 2023

 Sorry for lack of content this month, I was primarily recovering from a procedure that prevented me from safely completing some work. More to come soon.



March 2023

     This month was fairly busy leading up to Cyphacon in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Below are some of the pieces that will be sold at Cyphacon from March 31st to April 2nd. I had the idea of creating large versions of Japanese charms depicting various character using a combination of traditional and modern art aesthetics. They will be sold for $40 dollars USD if you happen to be attending the event. Some progress was also made on a new set of fighting character stickers, but they will not be ready for the convention, most likely. Aside from all the work being put into the convention, the new art for the last boss of my table top game, Curse of the Night, is finished. The only key art that remains is the game board and player shop, after that, all assets need to be scanned and designed into cards, printed, and play tested. So, the game is still far from being complete, but hopefully it will be fully done by the end of the year and samples sent out to publishers in early 2024. Bestia Custos volume 2 might be on track for an early summer release, as the need to raise funds for a new computer took over all other needs. Hopefully sales at Cyphacon will be as good as last year and I can start using my new computer to push out videos again as well as work on important documents like Bestia Custos more safely. Until next time, please enjoy the art below.



February 2023

 Monthly Update

    So a fair amount of work was done over the last month and a half. Volume 2 of Bestia Custos is slowly but surely coming together, two more pieces for Curse of the Night have been completed, and a prototype for a stylized series of puppets based on various kaiju has also been finished. Additionally, some work has been done on a new series of pieces that will go up for sale at conventions, starting with Cyphacon in Lake Charles, LA from March 31 to April 2. Speaking of cons, we will also have three new stickers to add to our series of fighting game character stickers! Ryu and Chun-Li from Street Fighter will join the fray, as well as Demitri Maximoff from Darkstalkers!

    In other news, in 2021 I had competed in the Pokemon TCG Illustration contest, but failed to make the cut. In 2022, I competed in the Digimon TCG art contest and came up short yet again. It was a fun experience and a wonderful opportunity regardless of the outcome. The pieces can be seen below and the originals will go on sale at conventions. Also, our Etsy shop is on permanent hiatus until we can decide if selling work online is worth the time and the money, so we apologize if the store being down has been an inconvenience to anyone.

Finally, during last month's update, the state of the Youtube channel was mentioned and that more videos would be coming soon. Unfortunately, technical difficulties have occurred that will require me to get a new laptop in order to continue making videos. Hopefully, funds will be acquired to purchase a new device sometime in April after selling some work at various events. That's all for now, please enjoy works below and be sure to follow us on Instagram for more regular updates @dreblin_studiobc.


Digimon TCG Art Contest 2022 Entries


 Curse of the Night Character Art Update and kaiju puppet prototype (Neronga from Ultraman)